西迪贝一行抵达blue city 5月6日,联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任西迪贝参观了总部位于北京的Blue City。淡蓝CEO、Blued交友软件创始人耿乐在与西迪贝先生会面时,承诺作为全球用户量最多的男性同性恋社交软件Blued,将会继续扩展在MSM人群中的防艾宣传。 耿乐在河北省做了近20年的警察,这份职业受人尊敬。但是在2009年由于同事反对他的同性恋者身份,耿乐毅然前往北京,并在2012年11月创立了Blued这款同志社交软件。目前,Blued已经拥有1500万用户,绝大部分用户是中国用户。但是在国外也很受欢迎。这款应用是免费的而且包含个人信息,并且有地理定位功能,能显示约会对象的距离。这款应用向用户提供关于不安全性行为的风险、男男性行为者的权利和关于艾滋病防治的相关知识。另外,它还告诉用户哪里能进行艾滋病检测和咨询。 淡蓝公益负责人憨憨为西迪贝介绍淡蓝的各个检测点 耿乐介绍淡蓝发展历程及面临的机遇和挑战 耿乐说:“我们会竭尽所能,利用科学和技术来提高同性恋、双性恋和跨性别(LGBT)群体的生活,包括他们的健康。我们的使命是,所有的年轻人都能够活得有尊严,不受侮辱和歧视,无论他们来自哪里、无论所做的事、无论性取向、无论HIV感染状况,都能分享他们的爱。” 西迪贝对淡蓝的工作给予充分肯定 西迪贝先生的此次访问,观看了有关Blued应用的展示,并与软件用户进行了交流。淡蓝公益与公共卫生机构合作,开设了免费的艾滋病病毒快速检测室,向男男性行为者提供服务。 西迪贝在Twitter上发布本次交流活动 “淡蓝是一个为大家提供防艾服务的榜样组织,无论何时何地,你都可以获得帮助。”西迪贝说。 有资料显示,中国男男性行为者的艾滋病感染有日趋流行的趋势。HIV在男男性行为者当中的流行率已经从2009年的5%左右上升到2014年的8%。男男性行为者的艾滋病检测率仍然十分低,只有不到一半的人清楚本身的感染状况。 Blued曾经组织过许多活动,反对对男男性行为者的歧视和“污名化”,并向其他男男性行为者组织提供基于网络的艾滋病毒预防和治疗措施。现在Blued正在向其他国家开展业务,并已经开始在美国、泰国和台湾建立办事处。 联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任西迪贝与淡蓝CEO耿乐 淡蓝部分员工、志愿者与西迪贝一行合影 China’s dating app for gay men commits tostepping up HIV prevention among gay men The world’s largest gay dating application,Blued is based in China and on 6 May its chief pledged to expand its HIVprevention programming among men who have sex with men. Geng Le, the CEO ofBlued Danlan Gaymen’s Network, the non-profit behind the smartphone applicationmade the commitment during a meeting with UNAIDS Executive Director MichelSidibé in Beijing, China. Mr Geng was a respected police officer inChina’s northern Hebei province for almost 20 years, but he left the force in2009 after fellow officers objected to his being a man who has sex with men. Hemoved to Beijing and launched Blued in November 2012. The app has almost 15million users, mostly inside China, but it’s also growing in popMr Geng was a respected police officer inChina’s northern Hebei province for almost 20 years, but he left the force in2009 after fellow officers objected to his being a man who has sex with men. Hemoved to Beijing and launched Blued in November 2012. The app has almost 15million users, mostly inside China, but it’s also growing in popularity outsideof the country. The application is free and includes personal information, aswell as a geolocation feature which calculates the distance between twopotential dates. The application provides information to users on the risks ofunsafe sex, the rights of MSM and asks questions which increase users’knowledge of HIV treatment, prevention tools and care options. In addition theapp provides information on where to access HIV testing and counselling. Mr Geng said, “We are doing our best to usescience and technology to improve the life of LGBT communities, including theirhealth. Our vision is that all young people can live in dignity, be free ofstigma and discrimination, and share love no matter where they come from, whatthey are doing, what their sexualorientation is, and what HIV status they are.” The visit by Mr Sidibé, included ademonstration of the application and an exchange with users. The organizationalso runs a free HIV rapid testing outlet, which provides services to men whohave sex with men in partnership with public health agencies. “DanLan is notan organization of yesterday. Danlan is an example of an organization of todayand tomorrow - protecting the rights of people not reached by services –everywhere," said Mr Sidibé. There is evidence of a significant epidemicamong men who have sex with men in China. HIV prevalence among MSM has grown toalmost 8% in 2014, compared to around 5% in 2009. There are persistent low HIVtesting rates among MSM with less than half knowing their status. Blued has organized campaigns againststigma and discrimination towards men who have sex with men and gives technicalsupport to other MSM groups on web-based HIV prevention and treatment initiatives.It is expanding into other countries and has already started to establishoffices in the US, Thailand and Taiwan. |